Author: Pedro Pessoa

  • Solving differential equations using neural networks The damped harmonic oscillator and its differential equation Solving the ‘underdamped’ case Exact solution Solving with neural network Solving the ‘critically damped’ case Solving the ‘overdamped’ case Some comments on the results When the neural network does not work Further reading Neural networks have gathered enormous attention in the last decade. Our whole human…

  • A primer on the normal distribution A primer on the normal distribution Introduction Why is the normal distribution so important? Where does the (68.3,95.4,99.7)(68.3, 95.4, 99.7)(68.3,95.4,99.7) rule comes from? Integrating the normal distribution The standard normal Error function Conclusion Introduction New students in science and mathematics may have seen a figure such as the one below. This figure illustrates the…

  • Which method should I use? – A guide to benchmarking Which method should I use? – a tutorial on benchmarking Introduction The five methods to reverse a list in Python Measuring time Measuring scaling Conclusion Introduction Last week LinkedIn has shown me the following post The LinkedIn post left out the original source which, after some reverse image search, I found to be the…